Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ah ah aaaah

vonts ek!

we had dance class last night. i always end up feeling like shit afterwards. not physically, but mentally. i just look at everyone else doing everything right, and then me being the only one not getting it, being taller than everyone, and it just makes me feel awkward.

basket-ball didn't work out last night, a couple of people couldn't make it. maria invited some of us over but by the time we were done with dinner, we had to be home in two hours' time... we made dinner at home last night. chicken nuggets and french fries. can you imagine how long it took to make though... like two hours. and annie, the first lady of the veeps, was doing everything and controlling everything. i can't stand this girl. she always barks orders at someone, anyone, no matter what the situation, and i always add "PLEASE" at the end of her sentences and she smiles at me but... why does she smile, why doesn't she just say please and thanks. she's a bit of a wench, this one.

then we played some games (most of us). one was writing down everyone's name on a piece of paper, and picking one and imitating the person who you picked. seta, the theater major, imitated me simply by taking her bra off. she said this would make us or break us, that she might make an enemy when she does this, but then she did and i recognized myself immediately. i thought it was hilarious. then we played one where one person asks three questions, everyone answers on one piece of paper, and then that person asking has to guess who answered what. we had a good time. i slept well.

tonight we've got a cooking class, tomorrow we've got ... i don't know what we've got.

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